Life is just flying by and as much as I am enjoying every single second I wish there was a way to make it stop (or atleast slow down) so I could enjoy everything going on around me!
I'm going to try and give you a quick recap!

Somehow- I managed to read the entire Twilight series. This is a big deal for me because #1 I LOVE books and #2 I thought that after Nadia's birth, I'd never have a chance to read again!

Nadia still loves Esme and Mischa and that's pretty much the only reason they still live here. They bring her so much happiness- so as long as that continues, the yorkies get to stay.

Nadia was baptised and Vanessa became the OFFICIAL Madrina! (That will get a totally seperatet post because I've got some great pictures to share!)

And this was too cute not to add, here is Nadia on her first Easter with her bunny!
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