I am not by any means an excellent housewife (although I do a fabulous job with Nadia), I am not keeping up with housework as much as I imagined I would and I don't ever give Lazaro the credit he deserves. Because of this, I decided that in honor of Lazaro- I am going to dedicate an entire post to tell you how great he is and how much he does for Nadia and I.
- He let's me stay home with the baby. That in itself is BIG because it means he has to work a lot harder to help make up for the fact that I bring in no money at the moment.
- He helps with the laundry. (Yep- I am home all day, and I don't manage to get all the laundry done.)
- He loves making Nadia's bottles! He takes pride in washing, sterilizing and filling them up for me every night!
- He grills us steaks! (I was never good at making dinner, even when I did work).
- He brings me Cafe con Leche! Yum Yum!
- He stays home with Nadia on Friday nights so I can go get my nails and wax done.
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