Tuesday, March 31, 2009
She didn't actually SWING people!

Looks like she's having the time of her life right? Well let me tell you a secret- I didn't let Laz push her, so she didn't actually "swing"! She was only allowed to sit in that thing for a picture! I mean really- she's a chunky kid, but doesn't it look like she could fit through one of those leg holes... maybe?
I'll make sure to take pictures the first time she actually swings in the swing and share those with you too!
Nadia gives her own breathing treatments

You didn't think I meant...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Let me catch you up... (Teething, but no teeth!)
So Sunday came and it was pretty much a repeat event of Saturday. (Lucky me, huh?)
Monday came and I checked her mouth- no teeth.
Tuesday came and I checked her mouth- no teeth.
Wednesday came and I checked her mouth- no teeth.
Thursday came and I checked her mouth- no teeth.
Friday came and I checked her mouth- no teeth.
Today came and I checked her mouth- That's right! You guessed it! NO TEETH!
So what has all the fuss been about? I'm a new mom here and I'm CLUELESS! So I decided to ask some experienced people and I learned some very sad news... The pain can come MONTHS before the teeth do! This, is NOT so good and something I would have added to the things no one tells you list (No one tells you teething is a nightmare!)
So, from here until who knows when, checking for teeth will probably be my new obsession. I'll let you know when I find something in there.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The things no one tells you (but I will).
Fast forward to early January 1, 2008. Mari and Laz arrive home from a New Year's Eve party feeling festive (and slightly tipsy, I'll admit). By this point we had been married for about 4 years and 2 months... (and those of you that know me very well, know I live my life to a very precise plan- sometimes without even REALIZING it.) Mari looks at Laz and says- "Let's get pregnant this year." Laz looks at Mari, shrugs his shoulders and says, "I guess." In my slightly foggy little mind, I pictured getting pregnant by the end of 2008, I never expected I'd be a MOTHER by then... So (skipping ahead a little bit) March 1, 2008, Mari discovers that she is indeed pregnant. Surprise, surprise (I was shocked and actually wondered- how did this happen?)! Laz's response- "Wow- that was fast..." It's like we knew what we were doing, but really didn't at the same time...
Anyhow- going back to the things no one tells you, (but I will). The entire world (it seems) had been asking me about a baby for the last 4 years and encouraging me to have one, asking what I was waiting for, telling me we were getting too OLD (yes, old). So, here I was, pregnant and prepared to share my news... And let me tell you- I was SHOCKED at the things that came out of their mouths. The same people who told me I needed this in my life said:
- "Are you sick yet?" (Sick? What do you mean sick? You told me pregnancy and babies are fabulous, why are you talking about feeling sick?)
- "Preparate!" (Get ready? Why are you talking to me now like this is a bad thing?)
- "Sleep all you can now." (No response to that one.)
- "Your life is over." (Are you trying to scare me?)
I decided at that point that misery must love company. These people should have mentioned these things BEFORE I got pregnant, but no, instead they were like- "Have a baby, be like us, it's really great!" and then, when I'm joining them, they hit me with the bad stuff! Hmmm...
So- getting to the point of my post. There are things that no one talks about when it comes to being a parent. It's like no one says these things out loud and I don't know why. I wish someone HAD told me. I would have been more prepared. Maybe if people talk about these things, then becoming a parent wouldn't be such a scary experience (who am I kidding, it would still be scary, you'd just be AWARE). I am going to be VERY honest now, so if you aren't a parent yet and you'd rather go into this blindly, then STOP reading. But if you want to know the truth- READ ON!
- Being a parent is NOT easy, at all, not even a little bit.
- Sleepless nights and interrupted sleep is the worst! It can make a person feel insane.
- You will never sleep well again. (Even when Nadia sleeps the entire night, I don't. I'm listening for her).
- When there is something wrong with your child, it will feel like someone is ripping your heart out of your chest.
- You will worry about EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING she/he does or DOESN'T do. You will wonder if it's normal.
- You will second guess yourself and think you are failing your baby ALL the time.
- You will cry (daddies too, although mommies a lot more).
- Your life will never be the same. (I always pictured myself as a woman who would just keep living my regular life with baby in tow, this doesn't work).
- You will miss out on things.
- Your life is no longer yours. You are no longer #1.
- You are the LIFE SUPPORT to this little person. You are the only thing keeping it alive. (HELLO- SCARY!)
- I could go on and on and on- but I will stop here, I think I've said enough...
I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. I would not send her back. I love her with every single piece of my body. She is the most important thing in my life- but WOW- THIS IS THE HARDEST JOB OF MY LIFE and I just don't understand why no one talks about it. Maybe it's because I am the mommy of an infant and this is all very fresh in my mind? I don't know... Maybe in a few years I'll forget and decide to have baby #2. I guess only time will tell.
Oh- and going back to living my life to a PRECISE plan without even knowing... Nadia was born November 13 and Lazaro and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary 9 days later. How's that for sticking to the plan?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Mari, Nadia & BOB!

We actually FEED her now!

4 months ago

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Okay... Fine! I'll admit it!

- He let's me stay home with the baby. That in itself is BIG because it means he has to work a lot harder to help make up for the fact that I bring in no money at the moment.
- He helps with the laundry. (Yep- I am home all day, and I don't manage to get all the laundry done.)
- He loves making Nadia's bottles! He takes pride in washing, sterilizing and filling them up for me every night!
- He grills us steaks! (I was never good at making dinner, even when I did work).
- He brings me Cafe con Leche! Yum Yum!
- He stays home with Nadia on Friday nights so I can go get my nails and wax done.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My day with Abuela and Abuelo (as told by Nadia)...

We even did tummy time in that house! (Geeze- these people never give me a day off!)
Abuelo read me a story just like he used to read to my mommy when she was a baby!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I love being Nadia's mommy!

Friday, March 6, 2009
Welcome to the world Cousin Max!

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Before there was Nadia...

I was absolutely over the top in love with my girls, and still am, although (sadly for them) the love is not the same as it was before there was Nadia. I am sad to admit, (but will) that their regular feeding schedule is no longer (I think one night we actually forgot), sometimes their bowl runs out of water, I forget to let them outside to do their thing and my top premium dog food puppies now eat house food when I run out of dog food (this NEVER happened before).
I really still do love my girls and we have experienced some very sweet moments together since the baby arrived. Sometimes when I have Nadia on my lap, Esme and Mischa come cuddle up alongside us. Oh! And there was that time when Esme brought Nadia a toy and dropped it next to her waiting for her to play. Then there are other moments when I have Nadia on my lap and Esme and Mischa decide it's time to play tug-o-war right next to us...
The dogs showed an interest in Nadia from day 1, ESPECIALLY ESME. Over the past few days, Nadia actually started showing an interest in them too! She follows them around the house with her eyes and actually just started reaching out to touch them this week. Mischa runs away when Nadia's fingers start coming in her direction, Esme on the other hand, LOVES the attention.
Today while I was trying to feed Nadia her bottle, she stopped sucking and gave me a huge smile. I thought that sweet smile was all for me until I realized one of her socks had come off and Esme was licking her toes!
Here we are just a few days after arriving home from the hospital...
And here we are now... (I could not get the three of them in one picture together! I really tried!)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
"Wow! That's one big baby!"
Nadia is now sporting 6-9 month old clothing. Today I had to move down to the next size of clothing in her drawers and pack away the outfits that no longer fit. The whole thing is bittersweet and I found myself getting very mushy looking at all the little clothes that seemed so big at the time and now I can not pull them enough so that they snap under her tushy! Nadia is growing and she's doing it really fast!
Tonight while I was bathing Nadia it occurred to me that I'm going to have to find a new way to bathe her very soon. Nadia is about to outgrow her infant bathtub (which is probably designed to hold a kid until 6 months). Check out Nadia in her bathtub at 2 weeks and check out what she looked like during her bath tonight. You see what I'm talking about?
(We had to draw a bikini bottom on that first picture so daddy would let us post it.)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
My Bouncing Baby Girl!
A week ago, while visiting Nadia's friend Abby, we noticed Abby's jumperoo and decided to give it a try. Well, that Nadia showed me! Forget waiting 2 weeks until she turned 4 months old, my kid was ready TODAY! I quickly dialed up Lazaro and told him to pick up that jumperoo from my mom's house (that's where we store stuff we aren't using) and bring it straight home. The next morning I put that puppy together and in she went... I'll let you decide for yourself what she thinks about it!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Daddy Day: The BEST day of the week!

Daddy was able to sit near us and get some pictures of Nadia in all the action. (I guess now is the time to tell you that every great picture you see on this blog will be taken by me. Laz is not the best photographer and for that reason, you'll probably see very little (if any) good pictures of me posted. Oh well... )
After Gymboree we headed to The Falls and strolled around the shops. We were feeling very brave so we decided to try Nadia at a movie... Boy, oh boy were we impressed. Nadia was awake for most of the show. She sat on my lap, leaned back and actually seemed to enjoy the movie! For some parts she decided she wanted to "talk" to the screen and we had to remind her that talking during a movie isn't polite (It was Confessions of a Shopaholic, by the way). The whole experience reminded us (once again) that we have one cool kid!
The day ended with a nice and relaxing Margarita filled dinner at On the Border (margaritas for ME, not the baby silly!) Nadia was a bit cranky as it was a little past her bedtime, so I pretty much had to hold her paci in her mouth throughout dinner (I'll do whatever it takes to keep my munchkin happy!) Although we were an hour past bedtime, she did a great job at holding it together until the check came. Once again, I was super impressed by Nadia... two times in one day!
Nadia's Followers
Blog Archive
- And she's UP!
- She didn't actually SWING people!
- Nadia gives her own breathing treatments
- You didn't think I meant...
- In case you didn't already know
- Let me catch you up... (Teething, but no teeth!)
- The things no one tells you (but I will).
- Mari, Nadia & BOB!
- We actually FEED her now!
- 4 months ago
- Okay... Fine! I'll admit it!
- My day with Abuela and Abuelo (as told by Nadia)...
- I love being Nadia's mommy!
- Welcome to the world Cousin Max!
- Before there was Nadia...
- "Wow! That's one big baby!"
- My Bouncing Baby Girl!
- Daddy Day: The BEST day of the week!